© 2001 Nixon Pictures. Site built & managed by Nixon Pictures.
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Nixon Pictures chooses to use Rocket Rentals.
View online a selection of video clips.
2001 - Best Documentary
2001 - Best Script
2005 - AVA Silver medal
Documentary making is our passion. Be it a personal ambition or part of someone else's desire to tell the world their story - we will listen, shoot and give it all the attention it deserves.         
                                                                                                                                         Bruce Nixon
Another good workout - lugging a Betacam and tripod around a 1000 hectre game park!

Here we are back in 1999 filming for the Treetops Estate and Lodge promotional video, near Rotorua, New Zealand. On the left of frame is our American hunter, followed by the resident hunting guide, me and co-director/editor Alex O'Shaughnessy.

I did manage to bowl over a few deer, a couple of water buffalo, some pheasants and numerous other critters with the camera... and Alex almost got charged down by a stag!

Funniest moment was a day later when we camped out amongst the bushes, camera at the ready to film some amazing close-ups. Two hours later we discovered the reason nothing had come close enough was because there was a deep gully running between us and the talent that had been obscured by the lay of the land!

Treetops is an amazing place. Check it out if you have a spare $1500 per day to give away!
...or what went on behind the camera.
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Award Winning...
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